Consider a radio which autonomously detects and exploits empty spectrum to increase your file transfer rate. Suppose this same radio could remember the locations where your calls tend to drop and arrange for your call to be serviced by a different carrier for those locations.
These are some of the ideas motivating the development of cognitive radio. In effect, a cognitive radio is a software radio whose control processes leverage situational knowledge and intelligent processing to work towards achieving some goal related to the needs of the user, application, and/or network.
Arising from a logical evolution of the control processes of a software radio, cognitive radio presents the possibility of numerous revolutionary applications, foremost of which is opportunistic spectrum utilization.Cognitive Radio Technologies (CRT) was founded in 2007 by Dr. James Neel and Dr. Jeffrey Reed to speed the transition of cognitive radio from the laboratory to living room.
With its extensive experience in the field of cognitive radio, CRT can help your products
- Automatically detect and exploit unused spectrum
- Automatically detect and interoperate with varying network standards
- Improve performance (see our DFS article about how to achieve a 19 dB
reduction in interference.
Learn more about CRT in our brochure (pdf).